This kit, and the supporting training, equips indigenous Christ followers with the skills to identify and treat common eyesight problems. The glasses are packaged into ministry-ready kits. The kit includes the 200 pairs of glasses, a traveling case, 2 lens ladders, eye chart, a repair kit, and all of the other necessary tools for someone to do a full eye exam.

Treating Common Eyesight Problems
Equipping local Christ followers with a vision enhancement ministry.

The Training
Eyesight training requires minimal training for both the trainer and the trainee, making it an easily accessible tool for any trip or church group. Once on the ground, the team will instruct the local Christ followers selected by the church how to complete the exam and fit glasses. This also gives them the opportunity to share the Gospel and pray with the patients.

The Trip
Simply take the Eyesight training kit with you on a short-term trip (we can help with the planning and preparations). Chose trainees through an indigenous church. The right church partner will know who is faithful to continue the work and use it for a door-opener for sharing the Gospel after the training team leaves.

After the Trip
The goal and exciting part of the Eyesight training program is that the ministry will continue after the trip. Trainees will keep the kit that includes 200 pairs of glasses, so the opportunity for God to use these trainees and churches to reach their communities is vast! Students are encouraged to charge a small fee for the glasses to jumpstart a local economy and prevent local dependency on free goods.
The Kit
I once was blind but now I see.
ITEC’s eyesight training is all about equipping indigenous Christ followers with a tool that can open doors to share the Gospel. This vision enhancement ministry could represent hope for those that struggle with basic near and farsightedness, and give local Christ followers an opportunity to share about the hope they have through the Gospel.