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Why Medical Training?

According to the World Health Organization, 400 million people world-wide have no access to essential healthcare services. That's a staggering number of people. So what do we do with this statistic? In Matthew 25, Jesus speaks to His disciples and says "I was sick, and you looked after me. In return His disciples asked Him "When did we see You sick?". Jesus replied "Whenever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me". God has given us tools to share His love and begin meeting some of these overwhelming spiritual and physical needs. This is why the medical training program at ITEC exists. To train indigenous Christ followers around the world in basic healthcare skills, equipping them to meet the physical and spiritual needs in their community. This week of hands-on training takes place in a classroom setting and consists of a variety of topics like basic sanitation and hygiene, taking vital signs, wound care, basic birth assisting, and emergency skills. Training participants are also taught a lesson on helping babies breathe, which focuses on simple, life-saving skills for newborns at the time of delivery. When possible, trainings include local healthcare providers to help teach and act as an additional resource long after the training ends. Our desire is to see ITEC medical trainees become trainers who continue to pass along their skills, allowing them to care for others in their community, which provides a natural connection to share the Good News of Jesus as they teach medical information. We are called to care for those around us-to see people and respond in a way that offers Christ's love. The goal of medical training is to share the basic skills of caring for others physical needs, so people can both hear the Good News of Jesus and experience His love in a tangible way. If you would like to learn more about ITEC medical training program, click here.
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