Why Medical Missions?
Why Do We Do Medical Missions?There are so many "mission" opportunities out there. It's really overwhelming. Each organization has their own strategies to carry out the vision for their target people group, community, etc. So many countries. So many people. So many needs. Where do we even start? Well, maybe we can start where Jesus started...
One individual. One at a time.
That's where we start. Jesus saw each and every person individually. He stopped in a large crowd of people - a sea of faces - and saw the one woman who reached out desperately for healing from Him. He saw her, stopped for her, healed her, loved her. That's what we do in medical missions. The woman reached out for one reason - physical healing. Her perceived immediate need was primarily physical, and Jesus met her need. But that's not the only thing Jesus touches as He stops for her and lays aside all the other overwhelming needs pressing in on Him. He meets her physical need, then reaches into the area of her life where she's most in need. In that moment, she got more than she ever expected! She received not only her physical healing, but peace and identity from God too. How do we know this? Because He calls her "Daughter". In all three accounts (Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56) of this miraculous healing, Jesus addresses her the same way - as His daughter. Then He instructs her to "go in peace." She came to Him as a discouraged, sick and fearful woman. But after encountering Jesus, she becomes a cheerful, healed and peaceful Daughter.Physical and Spiritual Pain
One of the most powerful things we can do in medical ministry and missions is to see beyond a physical ailment into what's ailing the spirit of a person. The physical need is simply what provides the opportunity. Jesus saw her faith. In a culture where her disease may have caused her to be socially unaccepted and isolated, He saw who she truly was apart from her illness and restored her both physically and spiritually. Do we need medical missions? Yes. Not only because people are in need and hurting physically, but because people need to experience Jesus stopping amidst the busyness of life to see them. They need to know that Jesus can be approached without fear or shame, and that He's desirous and willing to restore fullness of life to everyone in the body, soul and spirit. Jesus went about healing the sick, and we are instructed to do the same. Amidst the overwhelming need, we have the chance to provide what every human heart longs for - to be seen and loved, despite what is seen. This is why we do medical missions.Give Where Needed Most