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Why Mechanical Training?

In many places around the world, small engines help to sustain life and livelihoods. From boat motors to chainsaws, motorcycles to generators, people living in developing countries often rely on these engines to travel or survive. As with anything, these tools, can run into problems and will eventually need repair.

ITEC's Mechanical Training aims to teach Christ followers in developing countries the concepts and principles of small engine repair and maintenance so they are equipped to meet needs in their communities. A simple task like helping someone fix a broken generator can bring a unique opportunity to share the love and Good news of Jesus. ITEC's mechanical training provides a foundation of understanding to care for small engines.

Trainees learn maintenance basics like changing oil, replacing filters, and swapping out spark plugs, as well as how to fix or replace engine components, which are all critical to extending engine life. We have had the opportunity to provide this training in many countries, but our goal is to equip others to do the same.

What if your next short-term trip had a long-term impact by training others to serve their community through small engine repair? 

If you would like to learn more about the ITEC mechanical training program, click here.
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