Teach Us
Teach Us
“You teach us and together we will train everyone.” This is what the Waodani told my dad 30 years ago after Aunt Rachel died. That idea led to my dad starting ITEC. That idea is our mission as we develop tools to train indigenous Christ followers to meet the felt needs of their people as a door opener for the gospel.
In early January we had two ITEC training teams that left for Africa. One went to north Africa and one to central Africa. The trainings in north Africa were Medical and Film, while the trainings in central Africa were Dental, Optometry, and Farm. Combined, 45 indigenous Christ followers will have the opportunity to share the name of Jesus with people who have never heard.
While I have been to the Amazon numerous times, potentially the most remote place I have ever been is where we went in central Africa. A thirteen day trip included 70 hours of travel from ITEC to a small town close to our training location, 12 hours of travel in 4x4 vehicles on challenging roads over the six days of training and 82 hours of travel home. We also saw an indigenous ministry that took care of us and demonstrated daily their love for an unreached people group in the most remote place in this particular country. While every trip has excitement and challenges, the focus of every trip is to multiply our team’s skills so more people hear about Jesus.
As these trainings were wrapping up, we received an email from a previous training partner working in west Africa. In a remote location close to where the trainings had taken place late last year, two trainees went to an unreached village and did home visits with their medical training as they shared the gospel. In one day, 151 people gave their lives to Christ and 17 took the next step and were baptized. This is why ITEC exists.
If two people led 151 people to know the Lord in one day, imagine what the 45 new trainees might do. Our ITEC team is amazing, the training tools are great, but the reason we exist is to empower people around the world to meet needs as a door opener to share the gospel.
The idea shared 30 years ago continues to grow as more people and churches catch the vision to incorporate training as part of their mission strategy. Let me encourage you to get involved. Pray for our team. Support our team. Share this mission with your friends and church family so that this mission could multiply until everyone has a chance to know the Savior who loves them.
Jaime Saint
ITEC | Executive Director