Spreading The Gospel Through Film in Ghana
Earlier this month, nine students graduated I-FILM training in Ghana. The goal of I-FILM training is to train indigenous Christian students to film, edit, and distribute films that help spread the Gospel in their communities.
Most I-FILM students have no prior video production experience. In less than one week, they are trained and equipped as documentary filmmakers. Watch the video below to see one of the students final projects from Ghana documenting the testimony of Pastor Zakaria Amidu from the village.
Europe Refugee Training Trips
This fall, a team from ITEC will be traveling to Europe to train refugees that are Christ followers.
How Can You Help?
In order to meet the needs in the area and create opportunities for continued outreach, we are asking for financial supporters to help offset the cost of the travel and expenses while on the ground. If God is leading you, please consider giving directly to this fund to offset some of these costs. [cm_button text="Donate Here" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3DGKQ8U53KHQJW6||target:%20_blank|" shape="btn-round"]
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