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My wife Jessica and I have been married for almost 28 years. We didn’t know after having four daughters whether we would stop or keep going. Before we decided, we found out we were pregnant. Shortly after, we found out that we were having twins. Yes, two more girls. After the twins were born, I told Jessica that now that we had started to multiply, rather than just adding, we should be done.

Jesus, however, told His followers to multiply by making disciples that can make disciples. We are followers of Christ today because His followers have continued to do that for more than 2,000 years. At ITEC, we are focused on multiplying skills through mature, indigenous Christ followers, so they can use the skills to meet felt needs as a door opener to share the Gospel. The skills we teach include Dental, Medical, Optometry, Mechanical, Film, Farm and Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (UAV).

Recently, an ITEC team returned from East Africa. They taught small engine repair (Mechanical) and storytelling (Film), equipping seventeen Christ followers with skills to show and share the love of Christ. It is said that people don’t care about what you know until they know you care. By helping people to fix a broken-down motorbike, or share a story of one’s life who has been changed by the Gospel, these new trainees can multiply the spreading of the Gospel in the communities which they live in, as well as unreached communities around them.

So, our training team, comprised of five people, multiplied their skills to seventeen. Right now, another ITEC training team is going to be doing Dental, Optometry and Farm trainings in West Africa. At the end of March, another ITEC training team will be going to East Africa to do Medical, Mechanical and Farm trainings. Within the span of one month, we will have multiplied our trainings by training more than 75 indigenous Christ followers who will use their newly acquired skills to help people as they also share the Gospel. We are not the only ones focused on training indigenous Christ followers. There are ministries like Teach to Transform, mPower Approach, Green Window and a few others that are doing what we are doing. But, we are not stopping there. This month we ha a group from a church in the US who came to see how they might incorporate training into their mission strategy.

Jesus told His followers to multiply. If you are interested in learning how you and your church might incorporate training as part of your mission’s strategy to multiply, let us know so we can walk this trail together. Visit today!

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