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From North Africa to South America: Training to Further the Gospel

The past month at ITEC has been nothing short of exciting. Our team has been working together here in the office, and spread across the globe with simultaneous training sessions in different countries.

Our mechanical team traveled to South America to train six indigenous Christ followers, and the dedication of these trainees was remarkable, especially considering the distances they traveled to attend.

One trainee, in particular, faced a very difficult journey. He arrived a day late because the large boat he was riding on came upon shallow water and several sand bars, making it so he and the other passengers had to muscle it through for much of the trip. Despite arriving exhausted, his commitment to learning mechanical skills deeply moved our team. It was a moment of pride and joy when all six trainees graduated and received their certificates. We pray that these new skills in repairing small engines will enable them to serve their communities and open doors to share the gospel through their acts of service.

Simultaneously, on the other side of the world in North Africa, our medical and farming teams faced a different kind of challenge. They traveled to a country where following Jesus is illegal, and Christ followers frequently endure extreme persecution, imprisonment, and even death. The opportunity to support and train these brothers and sisters in Christ was both humbling and profoundly moving. Each medical trainee and farm trainee sucessfully completed their training and received their certificates of graduation, as well. In a land where the name of Jesus is silenced, these new skills in conservation agriculture and medical care can cultivate relationships and conversations that might otherwise be impossible. Our prayer is that these Christ followers will use their new skills to shine the light of Jesus in their communities, creating unique opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.

It is a tremendous gift and blessing to partner with Christ followers across the world  in diverse cultural climates and geographical settings. While our day-to-day lives may differ, the power of the gospel binds us together. If you or your church would like to explore how you can support the indigenous church on your next short-term trip by providing training, we want to connect with you! Click here to learn more about training!

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