Easter in Ecuador
As we celebrate Easter, we are reminded of the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit living in and through our lives everyday. We love that the same Spirit unites God's church to act as His body all over the world, uniquely working through each and every person. This Easter, 26 people, on a Wao Vision Trip, had the amazing opportunity to celebrate the unity Christ brings by spending the holiday with part of our church body in a very unique location, the Amazon Jungles of Ecuador.
In this short clip from Session 4 of the Missions Dilemma one of the Waodani men who will be with the group, Mincaye, shares how the Holy Spirit has worked in his life. What a treat for those who are able to celebrate Christ with those who are faithfully serving God in the Jungle. We hope you enjoy this look into Mincaye's live as well:
"All of you coming, I didn't know you. But I see you all very well. But the Holy Spirit has made us all one family." - Mincaye
So why are 26 foreigners in the Ecuadorian Jungle on Easter? For first time in the Waodoni's history, there are a growing number of elderly people that some members of the younger generation have decided to care for. In an effort to create an economy to support the older generation, a group of Waodani Christians from the tribe asked ITEC to help them in hosting short-term experiences in the jungle. These visits expose outsiders to a true hunter/gatherer lifestyle that can only be truly created by those who have lived it. If you would like more information about these trips click here. Maybe you can spend your next holiday with the Wao!